主讲嘉宾介绍:张铭先生是美国MZA建筑设计公司的创始人,他是一个荣获众多奖项的国际著名建筑师,尤其以大型城市综合体以及高层建筑设计为专长。他的作品遍布在美国,亚洲和中东。他也是一个广受欢迎的演说者,尤其在高层建筑,文化与建筑以及绿色建筑领域。在世界高层建筑协会,美国和中国建筑师学会,以及30多个国际学术会议上发表文章和演讲。他是美国注册建筑师和美国建筑师学会的院士会员。 Ming Zhang, FAIA is the founding Partner of MZA Architecture headquartered in Seattle. He is a award winning designer that specialized in large scale Mixed-use and High-rise building design. His work has covered the US, Asia and Middle East. He is a sought-after speaker, particularly in the topics of high-rise building design, urban design and overall culture and design. He has presented and written essays for international academic organizations such as CTBUH, AIA, and over 30 International Design conferences and Universities. He is NCARB certified and has a Master of Architecture from Illinois Institute of Technology. MZA建筑设计有限公司是一家国际知名建筑设计公司。总部位于美国贝尔维市,并在上海设有办公室。本司为本地以及来自中国的开发商和投资人提供富有创意的建筑,室内和规划设计服务。项目种类从私人定制别墅,到多层及高层公寓,酒店,及商业中心等。目前正在设计中的大西雅图地区项目包括二栋高层公寓,一栋高层酒店,以及众多多层公寓项目。中国的项目更是规模巨大,最高建筑达500米之高。 MZA is an internationally-renowned architectural design firm with offices located in Bellevue, Washington and Shanghai, China. We provide innovative architecture, design, interiors, and planning services. For local developers and Chinese investors in the Puget Sound area, we buildprojects ranging from custom single-family homes to mid and high-rise office buildings, apartments, condominiums, retail centers, and hotels. For clients in China, we design large-scale, mixed-use building projects that can reach as high as 500 meters. 美西时间周五4月24日8pm-9:30,(北京时间周六4月25日8am-9:30am) 报名方式 zoom观看本次直播请点击以下链接: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4696970869 Meeting ID: 469 697 0869 +16699006833,,4696970869# US (San Jose) 主办方:CCCWA华盛顿州中国总商会
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August 2020