近日,世界残奥会三届男子跳高冠军、2022年北京冬奥会形象大使侯斌出席CCCWA西雅图大讲坛,带来“弘扬奥运精神,坚定毅力超越自我,追求梦想挑战成功”的主题演讲。 Recently, CCCWA workshop series featured Mr. Hou Bin’s public speech on “Carry Forward the Olympic Spirit, Pursue Dreams and Ambitions". Mr. Hou is the three-time winner of the World Paralympic Games men's high jump champion and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games Image Ambassador. 侯斌讲述他的奋足迹:9岁那年的一场意外让侯斌失去了左腿,但成长的艰辛并没有磨灭侯斌对未来的憧憬。1996年,只有21岁的侯斌在亚特兰大残奥会上,以1米92的成绩打破世界纪录,获得男子跳高金牌,此后侯斌在2000年和2004年的两届残奥中卫冕,2008年北京夏季残奥会开幕中,侯斌通过拉拽绳索自行攀爬的方式点燃了残奥会的主火炬。侯斌这样说“人就是要不断去超越,所有的科技、思想、未来、人生都是创造出来而不是等待出来的。我们要活在希望和梦想当中,不要让人偷走你的梦, 有梦想,就有未来。” 引自“侨报”报导 Hou Bing shared his footprint of endeavor: at the age of 9, he lost his left leg due to an accident, however he’d never given up the hope of future despite of the hardship. At the age of 21, he became a Paralympian, and represented China at the 1996 Summer Paralympics in Atlanta and won the gold medal of high jump with the record of 1.92 meters. In 2008, Hou Bin became the first International Paralympic ambassador launched by the International Paralympic Committee. Since then, Hou Bin defended his title at both year 2000 and 2004 Paralympic Games. During the opening ceremony of year 2008 Beijing summer Paralympics' Games, Hou Bin served as Beijing Paralympic Main Torch hand. He lit up the main torch of Paralympic Games by of placing the torch in the wheelchair special bracket and tightening himself to the rope, pulling the rope and climbing up. Hou Bin said: "People have to keep striving and excel. Future and life can be created but waiting. We should live a life with hope and dream in our heart. If there is a dream, there is a future”. The story of Hou Bin’s endeavor is full of aspiration. 自退役以来,侯已成为一名励志演说家,并于2013年推出了“Stand Up Again”,这是一项针对雅安和汶川地震后需要修复截肢的受伤儿童的筹款项目。 Since retirement, Hou has become a motivational speaker. In 2013, he launched "Stand Up Again," a fundraising project for injured children who needed prosthetics after the Ya'an and Wenchuan earthquakes. 侯斌与大家分享他的故事鼓舞人心, 华盛顿州中国总商会希望通过这次的演讲让本地的华人们能有所收获,同时希望能通过这样的方式凝聚本地的华人社区。演讲结束后,华盛顿州中国总商会给侯斌颁发了“CCCWA社会责任贡献奖”。 The speech was extremely well received and appreciated. Chinese community thanks Mr. Hou’s sharing his story with Chinese community during his family vacation in Seattle. CCCWA hopes the speech will inspire us and through the event to unite the local Chinese community.". After the speech,Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Washington State, presented Hou Bin with the “Excellent Social Responsibility Award”. 侯斌的奋斗故事充满着正能量,激发斗志,大家备受鼓舞。
The story of Hou Bin’s endeavor is full of positive energy, and inspired us to persevere with our goals. Comments are closed.
August 2020