日前,美国戴维斯.莱特.特里梅因律师事务所上海代表处主任律师,蔡荣伟主持CCCWA“西雅图大讲坛” 与专业人士分享“人工智能法律和道德问题研究” Recently, Ron Cai, Partner-in-Charge, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, Shanghai Office hosted a CCCWA Workshop: "Legal Issues in Artificial Intelligence." 内容包含了: Legal Issues in Artificial Intelligence:人工智能法律问题研究
针对当下热点人工智能的发展和对各个行业的影响,蔡律师根据与会者提供的实际案例进行了分析,并且当场解答了参会者提出的一些疑问,参会人员受到了启发。 Mr. Cai focused on the impact of AI development on various industries, analyzed several cases provided by attendees, and addressed the concerns and questions. The workshop was well received. 大家非常期待CCCWA今后继续举办各类专题讲座,以便获得专业人士提供的最新业内信息。同时, 大家肯定了CCCWA对服务社区的努力。
Attendees hope that CCCWA continuously organize workshops in wide range of specialized topics for Chinese business community to share and catch up with the industry trend. CCCWA’s efforts in serving community was highly appreciated and recognized by attendees. Comments are closed.
August 2020