在社会各界的支持和全体工作人员的努力下,华盛顿州中国总商会2018年新春晚宴于2月3日晚顺利结束! Under the common effort of all staffs, with the support of all sectors of the community, 2018 CCCWA Chinese New Year banquet was successfully concluded on 3rd of February. 参加晚宴的嘉宾有华盛顿州国际事务办公厅厅长、西雅图国际事务办公室主任、Bellevue市议员、美国前驻华大使、前商务部长、华盛顿州前州长骆家辉;华盛顿州中国关系协会副主席、华盛顿州贸易发展协会主席、西雅图商会、大中华香港商会主席、Snohomish 郡经济协会行业多样化与战略总监、微软华协主席、西雅图工程师协会主席、西雅图创业协会主席、亚马逊云服务副总裁;波音全球租赁销售总监,工银美国、艾德思奇、拓宏地产、蔡和蔡律师事务所、曹霄鹤律师事务所、盖茨律师事务所、德勤会计师事务所、软通、西雅图家园区域中心、梅杨国际、中环地产、505集团、百利药业等企业和华盛顿州企业家代表200余人出席了晚宴。 The VIP guests who attended this banquet were The State of Washington, City of Seattle, City of Bellevue, Snohomish County, leaders and entrepreneurs from US/ Chinese business; representatives from chambers, associations and communities, which were altogether 200 plus attendants. Schuyler Hoss Director of International Relations and Protocol Consulate Gerneral of The PRC 骆家辉 Gary Locke Carlton Vann Former U.S. ambassador to China, International Business Development Director, former Minister of Commerce, City of Seattle former governor of WA State; 华盛顿州州长给总商会送来贺信,肯定中国总商会促进经济和商务繁荣的同时,积极回馈社区,团结各界人士、活跃社区文化,履行企业社会责任。 The Consul General of the PRC in San Francisco and the Governor of Washington State sent a congratulation letter to CCCWA, acknowledging that the CCCWA promotes economic and business prosperity, activates community culture and fulfills corporate social responsibility. 亚马逊云服务副总裁、华人最高领导李南燕女士与总商会副会长唐朝晖先生展开了精彩的炉边对话,回答了大家感兴趣的亚马逊近年来的迅猛发展成功秘诀、未来战略、中国市场以及女性如何在职场成功等话题。 AWS VP of amazon, Ms. Dorothy Nicholls, and deputy president of CCCWA, Mr. Zhao Hui Tang had conducted splendid fireside dialogue , answered the commonly interest of Amazon in recent years rapid development, the future strategy, the Chinese market and how to be a successful career female in the workplace, and other topics. 晚宴还请来了一位尊贵的客人,出生在西雅图,二战中飞越驼峰航线,而今已经96岁高龄的英雄飞行员。 CCCWA had invited a special guest, he was born in Seattle, during the world war II, he was responsible to fly above the Hump Route, he is now 96 years old, is our hero. Bellevue 前市长,现任议员李瑞麟先生向大家介绍东区艺术中心筹建计划 Presentation of Tateuchi Center (Eastside Art Center) by Mr. Conrad Lee ,Bellevue City Council Member and Former mayor. 晚宴嘉宾为艾德思奇、拓宏地产、蔡和蔡律师事务所颁发了企业社会责任奖,赞扬他们在发展自身业务的同时,积极履行社会责任、为华人社区和华盛顿州多民族和谐发展做出了重要贡献。 Banquet VIPs issued the award of Excellence in Social Responsibility to companies: Adsage, Create World USA and Cai & Cai Associates, to praise them while developing their own business, they actively undertook social responsibility, and had made huge contribution for the Chinese community and the harmony of multi-culture of Washington State. 总商会会员和当地企业为来宾提供了西雅图-中国往返机票、海悦酒店一晚住宿等奖品抽奖,西雅图脱口秀红人北美崔哥上台为大家抽取了华盛顿州出品的美国总统国宴红酒。 During the raffle, CCCWA members and local businesses offer round-trip air ticket, 5-star hotel accommodations, wine and gift cards. 西雅图的青年艺术家为大家演出了精彩的琵琶和歌剧,被来宾称赞为天籁之音. Two young artists staged a wonderful performance of Pipa and opera, which was hailed as the voice of Heaven by the guests. 华盛顿州中国总商会衷心感谢所有与会嘉宾的光临,感谢社会各界团体和企业的大力支持。祝大家在新的一年里身体健康,生活幸福,事业兴旺!
Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Washington State Wish thank all of your supports and partnership with CCCWA. We wish you all good health and look forward to a successful and prosperity throughout the coming year! Comments are closed.
August 2020